3.5 Goals

Time League Match Tip Score
17:00 EGY El Gouna VS Pharco -3.5 :
17:00 EGY Future FC VS National Bank Egypt -3.5 :
12:45 SIN Hougang VS Lion City +3.5 :
Time League Match Tip
14:00 Urug CA Cerro VS Danubio -3.5
16:30 Urug Miramar VS River Plate -3.5
19:00 Urug Racing Montevideo VS Maldonado -3.5


At Nicepredict, we offer sure under 3.5 goals Prediction Tips, under 3.5 accurate prediction, daily under 3.5 Tips, under 3.5 accurate prediction tips to all our users and with the assurance from our team of experts, winning and accurate results is sure.

Over/under goals markets are among the popular betting markets. You predict the outcome on the total number of goals scored by both teams in a match.

Different betting sites in Nigeria offer various betting options in the over/under goals market. Some include first-half goals total, 2nd half goals total, Asian goals count, among other options.

Practically, a site puts up an over/under prediction, and the player wagers that the total goals scored in the match will be more or fewer than the bookie’s offer. Traditionally, these bets hold only if the game does not end in a draw.

Over/under 3.5 goals is one of the common bet markets available on most sportsbooks. Here’s a brief on what the options in this market mean.

Over 3.5 Goals Explained

When a player chooses over 3.5 goals, there has to be 3 or more goals scored to win the bet. The bet will be lost if the total goals scored is 0, 1, or 2. For example, let’s say Arsenal plays against Barcelona FC in a match and a bookie has a prediction like this;

  • Over 3.5 goals, 1.32
  • Under 3.5 goals, 2.33

If a player bets on over 3.5 goals and the total goals scored is 4 or more, he wins. His stake is multiplied by the odds given. But if both teams score 3 or fewer goals, the bet is lost.

Under 3.5 Goals Explained

Betting under 3.5 goals means a player predicts that the total goals scored will be 3 or fewer goals. If the game ends in a draw or both teams score 4 or more goals, then the bet is lost.

Suppose the player bets on under 3.5 goals in the above example, and the total goals scored are 3, 2, 1, or nil, then the bet is won. The player’s stake amount is multiplied by the number of odds in that option.

With Nicepredict, your winning is sure!



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